Cilleruelo, L. (2006). Experimentación de nuevas narrativas y estéticas visuales en Internet . En Bellas Artes, 4; abril 2006, pp.63-75

Text presented in:

5as JORNADAS SOBRE ARTE Y MULTIMEDIA ¿Metanarrativa(s)?Encuentro internacional sobre el papel del arte en el desarrollo de narrativas y sintaxis audiovisuales y multimedia. Barcelona, Mediateca de CaixaForum Barcelona. Viernes 28 y sábado 29 de enero de 2005


The birth of the World Wide Web and Mosaic Navigator has marked a crucial turning point in the history of the Internet – that is, the beginning of a primarily visual and multimedia phase. The development of the Internet as a multimedia space has been a direct result of the integration previously existing narratives and means already present in the web.

The following report is part of a more extensive research project titled, “Towards a More Authentically Expanded Cinema,” which has contributed significantly to the study of the Internet as a multimedia resource in two main aspects: firstly, in the experimentation of new narratives and visual aesthetics (from which the title of this report is derived) that encompasses various methods used on the Internet better known as Expanded Cinema (Youngblood, 1970). The second main aspect consists of New Methods of Audiovisual Transmission and Diffusion through the Internet. This can consist of pieces all the way up to those that conceive the Internet as an audiovisual media archive space.

This report attempts to analyse the different narratives that are emerging from the resources available on the web through a more ample perspective (expanded cinema) while elaborating on the tools being utilised. New digital formats have generated new aesthetics which resemble known models of video-art such as the construction of video-walls or video installations through the use of GIF and Quick Time animation as is the case with the piece, Heated Pool (2001) by the German group T-2K: a web version of the famous installation il nuotatore (1984) by Studio Azzurro; as well as new narratives made through Hypertext and from new formats like Quick Time VR or Flash, and its elaborate interfaces. These non-linear narratives, that can be placed somewhere between traditional cinema and interactive books, have created such interesting terms as videoweb, web cinema,, and interactive, etc.